How To Cure Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis. Also known as jumper’s knee, a pain in the ass, whatever floats your boat. In this article I’ll go into full detail on how to cure patellar tendonitis. (Yes, really!)

We will discuss how to use anabolic steroids to help cure patellar tendonitis. If there’s one thing we all have in common; no matter the sport, no matter what we do, no matter who we are, we can all be hit with injuries and ailments. Footballers, baseball, wrestling, soccer, short distance runners, weight lifters—No matter what you do, you can be hit with this debilitating and frustrating problem.

Patellar tendonitis is something that is becoming more and more common now. And even worse for the average Joe (or even the guy with a lot of money), it is becoming too hard to find good, educated, honest help! Let’s face it, there’s a high chance you wouldn’t be reading this if you’d already fixed it.

A lot of doctors are now telling their patients “It’s over, give it up, it will never get better.” You may have been given an injection, which, quite frankly, didn’t make a difference, whatsoever. You are probably thinking you need to have surgery. But this isn’t exactly true. We are fortunate enough to have a doctor who is willing to anonymously put out his information on our website FREE OF CHARGE for all of you to benefit from. He has used the techniques given to cure patellar tendonitis in numerous athletes, and even the Average Joe—I.e. the guy who doesn’t lift weights, or might be a runner, etc.

Now here comes the best part—We’ll list what you need to take and how it works. No “buy this, do this” tactics. You will be informed, in full detail, on how to use GHRP-6 to help the healing process. We will also explain to you how it heals, and how and why it works.

Then, we’ll give you the exercises to run in conjunction that are also a must to give you the recovery you need and deserve. For far too long people have suffered with this poorly researched, yet common problem, known as patellar tendonitis. Unfortunately, it is not taken seriously enough, nor is good help found for it. Here, I plan to give you all the advice needed to sort this problem out, once and for all.

First, let’s start by asking ourselves the question, “What is patellar tendonitis?”

As with all cases of tendonitis, patella tendonitis is simply the inflammation, degeneration, or rupture of the patellar ligament and the tissue that surround it, leading to pain and discomfort (the level of pain and discomfort can change rapidly in individuals). It is usually located in the area just below the knee cap.

What are the most common causes of patellar tendonitis?

Overuse is the major cause of patellar tendonitis. Activities that involve a lot of jumping or rapid change of direction are particularly stressful to the patellar ligament. Sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, and other running related sports in particular are vulnerable to patellar tendonitis. Patellar tendonitis can also be caused by a sudden, unexpected injury, for example, a fall. Landing heavily on your knees can damage the patellar ligament, which can lead to patellar tendonitis.

Another thing, through experience with my athletes and speaking to many other coaches, the treadmill is a NO GO. It’s probably one of the most common ways to get this injury, and if you suffer from it, you should completely drop the treadmill out of your routine. Try replacing it with an exercise bike, which can actually help with the rehab and freeing up the fluids.

What are the Signs & Symptoms I should look for if I think I have Patellar Tendonitis?

The main symptom of patellar tendonitis is pain in the area just below the kneecap. Activities like walking, running, and especially squatting, kneeling or jumping will cause an increase in the amount of pain and discomfort you will expect to receive. Swelling is also commonly associated with patellar tendonitis.

What is the best way to treat Patellar Tendonitis?

Patellar tendonitis is just like any other soft tissue injury and should be treated accordingly. This involves the application of R.I.C.E. (R) rest, (I) ice, (C) compression, (E) elevation and obtaining a referral for appropriate medical treatment. The following two points are of most importance. However, depending where you are, and especially in the UK, this can be a nightmare, as you will commonly hear, especially while on the NHS to just give your sport. Even if you make a living off it, you will still commonly hear this. (Some of you probably know, hence why you are reading this)

I’ve had 5 athletes who had patellar tendonitis before they met me. All 5 had to threaten to take the NHS to court before they had any help given to them. I am not lying when I tell you, you need to lay it on thick and hard and make sure they know you want to be taken seriously and have this issue fixed.

In fact, if anyone wants to contact me via [email protected] about their experiences or if you need help, I will be sure to give you all the help I can, free, of course.

Anyhow, moving forward.

First, we will start with

  1. Rest & Immobilization

Once patellar tendonitis is diagnosed it is of the upmost importance that the affected area be rested immediately. Any further movement or stress will only make the condition worse and prolong recovery. It is also important to keep the injured area as still as possible.

  1. We need some ice.

Possibly the most important part. The application of ice will have the greatest effect on reducing bleeding, swelling and pain. Apply ice as soon as possible after the injury has occurred or been diagnosed.

What is the best way to apply the ice? Crush the ice in a plastic bag. However, blocks of ice, commercial cold packs and bags of frozen peas will all do just fine. Though I don’t recommend it, even cold water from a tap would be better than doing nothing at all.

When using ice, make sure to use some common sense, such as not applying it directly to the skin, as it can cause ice burns—while not likely, it can happen, so beware.

“How long and how often should I ice the area?”

This is the point where few people agree. Let me give you some figures to use as a rough guide, and then I will give you some advice from personal experience. The most common recommendation is to apply ice for 20 minutes, every 2 hours, for the first 48 to 72 hours.

These figures, while good, are simply just a starting point. Please remember, they are only a guide. You must take into account that some people are more sensitive to cold than others. Also, make sure to be aware that children and elderly people have a lower tolerance to ice and cold. Finally, people with circulatory problems are usually also more sensitive to ice, so make sure to remember to keep these things in mind when treating yourself, or someone else with ice. Every case is slightly different.

Personally, I would recommend that people use their own judgement and common sense when applying ice to themselves or others. For some individuals 20 minutes is too much, for others, especially well conditioned athletes, they can leave ice on for up to an hour at a time. The individual should make the decision as to how long the ice should stay on. But remember, don’t torture yourself. You’re trying to fix a problem, not create one.

My personal opinion and recommendation is that people should apply ice for as long as it is comfortable. Obviously, there will be a slight discomfort from the cold, but as soon as pain or excessive discomfort is experienced, it is time to remove the ice. It is much better to apply ice for 3 to 5 minutes a couple of time an hour, than not at all.

During the first 24 to 72 hours after an injury, be sure to avoid any form of heat at the injured area. This includes heat lamps, heat creams, the useless Deep Heat sprays, spas, Jacuzzis and saunas. Avoid all movement and massage of the injured area. Also, avoid excessive alcohol… and if you had any common sense, you’d avoid all alcohol. All these things will increase the bleeding, swelling and pain of your injury. Avoid them completely at all costs.

Now let’s say this doesn’t apply to you. You’ve had patellar tendonitis for 5/6 months and it’s not getting better. I’m going to assume your physical therapist has recommended eccentric loads to strengthen the area? If he hasn’t, you should be suing him.

The main suggestion will be single-legged squats on a slant board. The main thing with this is sets and reps. You should be doing around 15 reps for 3 sets, 3 to 5 times a day. If your knee begins to hurt, stop. The next thing you should be doing, despite what your doctor might be telling you, is loading. Adding a backpack with 5lbs of weight can be enough. Once you can do 5 sets of 15 again without pain, you’ll load it up to 10lbs, and then 20, etc.

Progression is an absolute must if you wish to strengthen the area.

I also recommend Eccentric squats. Squat down as far as possible and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this for 10 to 15 reps.

Ankle Mobilizations

Ankle mobility plays a vital role in reducing the stress on the patellar tendon, says corrective exercise specialist Mike Robertson. Mobilize the ankle joint with traditional calf stretching and the 1/2 kneeling ankle mobilization. Kneel on your right knee with your left foot in front. Place a stick perpendicular to the floor by your left little toe. Keeping your foot flat on the floor, push your knee to the outside of the stick until you can no longer keep your heel on the ground. Repeat up to 15 times before switching sides. Perform up to three sets on each ankle.

You also need to stretch daily. Possibly twice a day, hips and ankles are key points, as are the quads.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Stand on your good leg and rest the heel of your injured leg on a low stool or other support that’s about 12 to 15 inches high. Keep your elevated knee straight throughout this exercise. Lean forward and bend over at your hips, while keeping your leg straight until you feel a pull in the back of your thigh. Keep your back directly over your hips and both shoulders facing forward throughout this exercise. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat three times.

Quadriceps Stretch

This exercise is designed to stretch the large muscles on the front of your thigh while bending your knee. Stand perpendicular to a wall at about arm’s length, keeping your good leg closest to the wall. Brace yourself by placing your hand on the wall and bend your injured leg until you can grab your foot with your other hand. Pull your heel toward your buttocks until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, and repeat as directed by your doctor.

Quadriceps Set

The quadriceps set exercise helps strengthen the muscles on the front of your thigh while simultaneously stretching the extension movement of your knee. Sit on a bed or the floor with your good leg bent and the sole of your foot flat on the floor. Keep you injured leg straight and tighten the muscles on the front of your thigh. Try to press the back of your knee into the bed or the floor. Hold this stretch for five seconds, and repeat three times.

Now, after all this, it’s time for the juicy bits—the bits that will allow you to fix patellar tendonitis if you’ve done everything else by scratch.

What we will need

GHRP-6or GHRP-2either will suffice.

Patellar tendon strap – A strap that applies pressure to your patellar tendon. Can help to distribute force away from the tendon itself and direct it through the strap instead. This may help relieve pain.

Alright. Why do we need GHRP-6? Due to its healing properties, if you want the short answer. But you probably want the long one, so let’s have it.

GHRP-6 and its positive effects on collagen synthesis

Numerous studies have been done on GHRP-6 and its healing abilities. It is also great for getting the inflammation down, and promoting strong and healthy tendons. It’s actually helped get more of the good fluid in there and also been shown to reduce the swelling. In fact, collagen synthesis has been noted to go up by 250% in the first week.

That’s 250% faster healing. Of course, to see noticeable results, I’d expect you to stay on GHRP-6 for up to 6 months. However, you will start noticing the pain going down drastically within a few short weeks, and you should also be able to start squatting, and/or whatever sport you are doing, within 2 months. Just don’t overdo it. Take it easy, and build back up during this time. Allow your knee to adapt to it.

The goal here is to create as much collagen synthesis as possible. At the same time, you’ll be doing the exercises I’ve stated, along with 35 minutes bike riding per day, (exercise bike will work fine). This is a full rehab program and will FIX this problem, but it requires work and time on your part.

I will be doing a follow up article to this showing other anabolic steroids that will PROMOTE collagen synthesis and help with healing injuries.

Patellar tendonitis is a hard injury to beat, but it is not impossible. As I said before, feel free to contact me with your questions and any you may need. I will answer them, and if it’s a good question, I’ll add them in my follow up post!

What you need


Other items to consider?

Equipoise (has over 100 studies documenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen synth to enhance healing.)

legal steroids


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