HGH-X2 Reviews

Building quality muscle is important, but to me stamina and energy is equal, specially on those heavy days when I work out legs or back, those two particular body parts take extra effort and energy, as we get older muscle gains get tougher and the last thing you want to do is consider taking chemical HGH because over time it can have some harsh side effects on the body.

While GH-Advanced + is a great HGH alternative, it’s not the only option, Crazy Bulk offers an HGH product and here is my personal review on the product. As with all the Crazy Bulk products you can safely stack it for even better results, HGH-X2 can be stacked along with Clenbutrol, Winsoland Trenorol.

What Somatropinne does is trigger natural HGH production in your body’s pituitary gland, this releases much more HGH into the blood stream, what this translates to is accelerated fat loss, huge muscle gains and faster recovery times. One of my biggest issues is recovery, no matter how much protein or rest I get after working out back or legs I am usually so sore I can’t walk the next day. Since taking HGH-X2 I notice my muscles tend to heal quicker, letting me continue to work out hard 5 days a week, which in the past was not possible.

More intense workouts

In simple terms, HGH-X2 is an all natural and powerful hormone that will help you increase your gains and workout intensity with fast recovery times without harsh side effects.

What you get

A bottle of HGH – X2 contains 60 capsules each capsule contains 500 mg, what you will gain from using Crazy Bulk HGH is:

  • Lean Muscle
  • A leaner physique
  • Better muscle to fat ratio
  • Quick recovery times
  • It is completely safe
  • No injections and you don’t need a prescription

The Crazy Bulk website recommends taking 1 tablet twice a day with your meal I personally take it 30 minutes before my workout in the morning and one mid afternoon, recommended usage is 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off, the benefit of their product is there is no risk of liver or kidney toxicity.

My overall thoughts

Considering what real chemical HGH injections can do to your body not to mention what they cost HGH-X2 is a safe all natural alternative and you can’t beat the price of $59.95 per bottle.

Don’t be fooled by imitations Crazy Bulk products can only be purchased from the official website. we recommend purchasing directly from the company to ensure a fresh product and to take advantage of any promotions they may have at the time of purchase.

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