Crazy Bulk Anvarol: Legal Anavar Oxandrolone for Sale

Crazy Bulk Anvarol (P-Var) is great for both men and women who are looking for a way to create a leaner and more cut body style. It is great for those looking to burn fat and who want to increase their energy in order to workout harder and longer. It is the safe and legal alternative to Anavar Oxandrolone.

Most have found that muscles gains that they receive while using this product are permanent and even after 6 months of ending usage of Crazy Bulk Anvarol, muscles were still present.

How Crazy Bulk Anvarol Works:

Anvarol works best for cutting cycles and has been formulated to burn fat and help you to retain lean muscle after workouts. Expect to see results quickly and many have begun to notice drastic improvements in as little as two short weeks. Another benefit is you will not need to mess with injections or needles because this product is taken orally.

Crazy Bulk Anvarol is a fantastic alternative to Anavar Oxandrolone steroids because of the many side effects that can be avoided.


Although the pure form of Anavar is considered a mild steroid, there are many side effects that can be found when taking it, especially in women. Often times these side effects can be quite drastic and can lead to permanent damages if not addressed properly.

These are some of the side effects that are avoided by using this safe alternative.

  • Raise in estrogen
  • Some water retention
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol issues
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Masculinization in women
  • Acne and hair loss

Results of Anavar Alternative over the Pure Form:

  • Muscles are nourished and vascularity is raised
  • Size and strength are increased
  • Fat loss is increased
  • Lean muscles are preserved
  • Mild enough for both men and women
  • 100% legal, can be shipped anywhere without a prescription
  • Fast acting formula

Stack Benefits:

P-Var (Anavar) is easy on the liver and kidneys and works best with legal steroid series: Winidrol (Winni), Clenbutrol, and Trenorol (Trenbolone). It is one of the mildest oral steroids on the market today and is one of the most popular steroids for women.


Serving Size: 1 tablet (35 mg) – Servings per bottle: 60 Tablets
Consume one (1) tablet twice daily before meals. On designated workout days, consume 30-45 minutes before the start of your workout. In order to see maximum results, you should use consistently for 2 months. After 2 months, discontinue use for one and a half weeks.

Crazy Bulk Anvarol Reviews:

What have others been saying?

  • “After the first couple of months, I’ve already been able to see a change in my gains in strength and lean muscle. I’ve also not seen an increase in fat and am now considering trying a full stack to see how my results will change even more!”
  • “With intense workouts and proper diet, I’ve been able to lose 5 pounds in the first couple of weeks. Can’t wait to see more results!”
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