Fitness Team Or Individual?

Why Be On a Fitness Team?

I am often asked, “why to be on a fitness team when this is an individual sport?”. I agree this is an individual sport! When it comes down to show time, it is you, and you alone, that is standing on that stage in 6-inch heels wearing the tiniest swimsuit decently possible. You’re up there putting yourself and your body on the line.

You have trained, dieted, and sacrificed for weeks on end and now stand waiting for 5-6 other people to “judge” you and tell you just where you rank next to all these other lovely competitors. You are the only one that can choose to go to the gym every day, eat the diet, spend the money, sacrifice the social life and sometimes friends and family, just for that one day to sparkle and shine on that stage.

But I also think that this is really a team sport in which you can gain so much from being on a team that supports and understands just exactly what you have gone through and what you will go through as a fitness competitor. I have personally been in this sport for over 20 years, and I have done it both ways. For me, having a team (the right team) has made competing for so much more fun and exciting!

Now I am not here to “sell” you on joining a team, believe me, I think it is definitely for some people, but definitely not for everyone. I just want to bring perspective to why I decided to form a team, and why it has been so successful for me and my teammates. In this sport, unless you have lived it yourself, no one else can ever truly appreciate the lows and highs, the sacrifices, the mood swings, the doubts, the fears, the anxiety, the pleasure, the intensity, and the list go on, of what we as competitors go through in preparation for the “big day”!

We are in an elite group of people that most do not, and cannot, understand. So, to have a team of girls that truly “get it”, is something that I have grown to love and cherish. It is a sisterhood that supports each other and lifts each other up. I am constantly amazed at how encouraging my girls are with one another, even though they know it could come down to just a few of them standing side by side on that stage waiting for 1st or 2nd place, pro card or no pro card, they continue to support and cheer each other on when the going gets tough!

Competing Experience

Through competing, I have met so many amazing women from around the world! Women I would have never had the pleasure of meeting if it hadn’t been for coming together at a show. Some of them are on my team, some of them used to be on a team with me, but they are all my very dear friends and “fitness sisters”.

You do not have to be on a team to form these special friendships and bonds, but if you decide to join a team, make sure it is a good fit for you, your personality, and your goals. If you ever feel like you are not happy with a particular team, never be afraid to say goodbye and find your own path. When you get a bunch of women and/or men together, there will always be clashing personalities and not everyone will be BFF”s, but always show mutual respect and professionalism, as we should in any sport, team, or no team!

Think of this like a few other team sports that are truly individual sports like gymnastics or wrestling, when they step out there to compete it is up to that individual to beat all the other competitors. Without their team support at practices they wouldn’t have anyone to push them, or encourage them every day, or challenge them to be better, or to pick them up when they fall, or to tell them just how great they truly are, or let them know when they are messing up, or someone to inspire you on those days you just want to give up!!

That is what a good team does for you. Something no one else can truly understand unless they are down in the trenches with you every step of the way!!

What’s Your Goal As A Coach?

My goal is to be a coach that is here to mentor and inspire my team members. Someone to guide the new competitors on everything from site selection, shoes, hair, makeup, photoshoots, what category to compete in, theme wear choices, dress selection, training, how and what to do for registration, how to do the T-walk, posing, all aspects of stage prep, what to expect after a show….and the list goes on.

I am truly excited and happy to see all my girls succeeding and making a name for themselves. When they win pro cards or place in a show, I swear it was almost just as exciting as winning my own…(ALMOST:)!! My biggest inspiration comes from them and they all teach me something new every time we get together for posing or just to hang out. I love it when I can truly help someone, and keep them from making mistakes I have made along the way.

We also have our team of men, TeamGenetics. Men are definitely a little different from women! They have their own unique style of brotherhood and support systems. As with all things in life, they are not quite as “chatty” as women, but yet they still come together in support of each other with nutrition advice, posing, training, and all other competition prep. Atta boys are always appreciated and welcomed.

I couldn’t have done any of this without the help and support of my fellow Pros and Team Leaders. Our team(s) is just an extension of The WBFF family and what it represents, athletes & fitness models coming together to blend fitness and fashion on a stage like no other in our industry. We are continuing to grow, as do many other amazing teams at The WBFF, bringing more and more beautiful athletes to our wonderful WBFF organization!

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