Patient Bill of Rights

Aligning Patient Expectations with Clinic Capabilities

At JBH Clinic, our goal is to ensure that patients have a clear understanding of the services, facilities, treatments, and the rules and regulations we provide. By setting transparent expectations, we can work together more effectively and welcome constructive feedback to continually improve our care.

  1. Patient Code of Conduct

While seeking medical care at JBH Clinic, patients share in the responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of those around them. In particular, patients are expected to:

  • Provide Accurate Medical Information: Offer complete details about medical history, allergies, past and current illnesses, and all medications.
  • Report Changes: Inform the doctor of any changes in your medical condition.
  • Seek Clarification: Ask questions if a prescription or diagnosis is unclear.
  • Follow the Treatment Plan: Adhere to the care plan recommended by your doctor.
  • Ensure Prompt Payment: Settle all medical bills in a timely manner.
  • Respect Clinic Rules: Comply with JBH Clinic’s established policies and regulations.
  • Maintain Realistic Expectations: Understand the scope of the doctor’s capabilities and the potential outcomes of treatment.
  • Communicate Issues: If something isn’t working or if you have concerns, inform your doctor so they can recommend alternative options.
  • Participate Actively: Stay informed and involved in your own healthcare, including prevention and follow-up measures.
  • Treat Staff with Dignity: Interact respectfully with doctors and clinic personnel. Any form of verbal abuse may result in immediate discharge from the clinic.
  1. Patient Bill of Rights

The following rights affirm JBH Clinic’s commitment to patient health, trust, and confidence in the care we provide.

A. Rights Related to Treatment

  • Right to Dignity: Every patient deserves respectful, compassionate care.
  • Right to Clear Information: Patients have the right to know, in understandable terms, their diagnosis, treatment plan, and prognosis.
  • Right to Informed Consent: Patients must be given details about long-term effects, potential side effects, and other relevant information before consenting to any procedure or treatment.
  • Right to Understand Clinic Procedures: Patients have the right to know the steps involved in their care at JBH Clinic.
  • Right to Timely Information: Patients should be informed of how much time the treatment will require.
  • Right to Know Costs: Patients are entitled to be informed about the expected overall treatment expenses.
  • Right to Necessary Documentation: Patients should be aware of and receive all required paperwork.
  • Right to Prompt and Courteous Care: Services should be provided courteously and without unreasonable delay.
  • Right to Treatment Details at Discharge: Patients must receive a summary of their illness, treatment, and necessary follow-up care.
  • Right to Refuse Treatment: Patients can decline suggested treatments and should be informed of the possible medical consequences.
  • Right to Confidentiality: Patients’ private health information (PHI) is safeguarded and treated with the strictest confidentiality.

B. Rights Related to JBH Clinic

  • Right to Service Transparency: Patients should have access to a clear list of available services and their corresponding fees.
  • Right to Contact Information: Patients have the right to know whom to contact to lodge complaints or provide feedback.
  • Right to Educational Resources: Patients may access wellness coaching and other educational sessions on medical issues.
  • Right to PHI Security: Private Health Information is protected throughout its use and securely destroyed when appropriate.
  • For any questions or to provide feedback, please contact JBH Clinic directly. We value your input and commitment to working with us to deliver the best possible care.