6 Reasons to Start Using Resistance Bands In Your Workout

There are a lot of people who wish to gain rock hard body and beautiful muscle definition. To see their wish come true, they strive hard in the gym and sweat their glands out. You would find a lot of fancy machines and equipment to aid your way to slimmed and trimmed body.

Training with the intense weights coupled with some exquisitely designed cardio would surely take you towards that goal. But is gaining muscles and rock solid body is that easy? Well, we are sorry to disappoint you but you need to work hard really hard to see yourself in perfectly sculpted shape.

Before you intend to set out for the gym, a lot of people will tell you to use free weights more often because they are much easier to use and have been proven to show results. This is true indeed free weights do help you get there where you will have a body like celebs like it has been created in a mould. What they don’t tell you is the usage and advantages of resistance bands. Most people son even know about the resistance bands.

Resistance bands are hollow tubes with handles at the both end in a similar manner to those as dumbbells. They are more versatile and involve involvement of more muscle groups than any other training. You can get the desired resistance band ranging from light to extra hard. Depending upon you nature of exercise you may select the one more suitable to you.

If you are doing more repetitions than the best choice for you is the lighter to medium ranged resistance, and if you are more focused on hard intense training, then you need to opt for extra hard resistance band. One thing that should keep in mind, choose the resistance band that pushes your muscles to the limits, so by the time you are done with the workout sessions you are completely exhausted.

To those who do not know much about the resistance bands and its versatility, here is everything you need to know about the resistance band;

Benefits of using resistance band:

1- Resistance bands are cheap:

They are cheaper and lighter in weight. You can carry them along where ever you are travelling, so may you not miss a day working out. An average band only cost 5$ to 10 $ only.

2- Wide variety of movements:

Resistance could be your own personal mini gym. A trainer could make a wide variety of movements and can target the number of muscle at one go, unlike weight lifting or other exercises that target specific muscle groups only.

They are highly beneficial in targeting smaller muscles like rotator cuff around the shoulder. The more you use resistance band the more you develop coordination and harmony among the muscle movement. They increase overall muscular strength energy. You can vary the amount of tensions depending upon the color band you use.

3- They are a total body workout:

With the vast variety of movements it offers, it is not just a stretch and relax work out, it offers as may movements as you can make with the resistance band. They make intense training exercises more challenging and demanding. You may blend the squats with the resistance band or you may couple them with the bent over row with the resistance band. A number of individual have reported that they have faced experienced a lot improvement on their body by using resistance band in their workouts. It is due to the fact the resistance bands offer greater muscle fatigue and hence you get more benefits of the exercise.

4- Compatible with your fitness level:

They are the embodiment of uniqueness and versatility. If someone is amateur or pro, resistance band are handy in every case. They have got a lot up in their sleeves to offer to its users. They have been proved to be highly effective in the rehabilitation of various energies and stresses or muscles stretch that often occur during the intense workout and prevent any further injuries by enhancing the flexibility of your body. They have been used and being used in the rehab of arms, shoulders and back muscles.

5- Suitable for all:

The best thing about the resistance band is they are as useful for young as they are for older. It is suitable for kids, elders, youngsters, pro exercisers every single person who uses them would get utter benefits. For those who love challenging them every time in the workout, resistance bands are going to be a very interesting deal for them.

6- Safest possible workout:

They are the moist safe exercise equipment that has ever been devised. In free weights, you are exposed to the mercy of gravity, who knows when it plays a dominant role and you get hurt? While training with the resistance band, you don’t have to worry at all, because you are in the safe hands. And one more thing, you don’t need a partner to assist you, you can perform every move by your own.

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